









Secondary School

I studied at St. Joseph's Institution (SJI). SJI shaped me with many of the values I hold today and gave me many leadership opportunities. From 2017-2018, I was appointed as Class Chairman and facilitated communication between teachers and the class. From 2018-2020, I served as a Prefect as carried out duties for the school to ensure a fun, safe and fair environment for the students. From 2019-2020, I lead SJI NPCC as Chairperson where I delegated roles to my fellow leaders while also leading by example. I also participated in the NPCC Inter-Unit Campcraft and Drills Competitions in 2020.

I also attained the following awards:
Edusave Certificate of Academic Achievement
Edusave Award for Achievement, Good Leadership and Service (EAGLES)
Outstanding Cadet Award
Certificate of Disctinction (for outstanding contribution in NPCC)

I graduated with a net L1R5 of 6 points.


I pursued a Diploma in Infocomm Security Management (DISM) at Singapore Polytechnic. This was a period of growth and self-improvement. The lack of handrails in polytechnic forced me to learn the self-discipline required to study for tests, while the various projects we worked on helped me to practice technical skills as well as project management skills.

DISM offered various modules which built my foundation in various domains of Cybersecurity. Ethical Hacking and Defenses (EHD) gave me an introduction to penetration testing where we learned how to perform reconnaissance and exploit vulnerable systems. Secure Coding (SC) and Back-End Development (BED) taught me the fundamentals of securing a web application with encrypted traffic, input filtering and output sanitisation, as well as parameterised queries in SQL. Applied Cryptography (ACG) taught me how hashes and encryption algorithms work as well as their applications.

On top of Cybersecurity, I became very familiar with website front-end development during the Front-End Development (FED) module. I also learned Python and Javascript, Networking and Linux & Windows management. I also attained a Certificate in Data & Analytics which comprised of the modules Fundamental and Automation of Data Using Excel (FADA), Programming for Data Science (PDS) and Thinking with Data for Decision Making (TDDM).

Apart from academics, I served as the Secretary of SP Peer Support (SPPS) in 2023 and was a member of SP Adventurers and SP MMA, although I did not commit to the latter 2.

Through SP MMA, however, I came to know of Touch Young Arrows (TYA). This is an initiative to provide academic coaching for children from underprivileges families. What started out as an weekly program to gain CCA points turned into an activity which I enjoyed. It was fulfilling to be able to guide these kids, who often come from difficult backgrounds, to grow with a stronger sense of values and discipline.

As for my internship, I interned at Focus Digitech. Focus provided me with many opportunities to help with various projects, including client phishing campaigns and development of a SIEM. I also performed daily operations such as monitoring a SOC dashboard, escalating alerts that were suspicious and needed remediation.

As of Semester 5, by cGPA is 3.89